Eddie pistel
full name Eddie Misha Pistel

Ed, Di
age & dob
March 3, 1991 (24)
Huntington Beach, CA
current residences
Huntington Beach, CA
relationship status
Married to Logan

Mary-Ellen and Alexander Pistel were two people who should have never met, they should have never exchanged phone numbers nor should they have gone on that single date which resulted in a night of passionate sex, and later produced a child. Two people with minds like theirs should not have formed another life together, it was a bad idea from the get-go but by the time they realized this, it was too late. The child these two brilliant people brought into this world is one who would later need a lot of help in becoming a social part of society. It is one thing to be born out of wedlock, but an entirely different situation when both your parents are then forced into a marriage neither one of them has even wanted, yet are far too respectable of people to ever leave one another. So rather then upset their childs well being, the Pistels have been married for twenty-two years, and not a single day goes by where they don't secretly resent one another as well as the child, but keep it so well hidden that no one would ever suspect they were anything but the worlds happiest family.

His first word at one, first step at one, from the day he was born it was obvious he was unlike most other children. The combination of his parents genes brought forth someone entirely unlike anyone they had ever expected. By the time Eddie reached third grade, he had not a single friend, and was forced to move from his basic regular school to a school for the gifted. His parents were convinced that he was a brilliant mind and he needed to be challenged. He spent the next several years of his life being the smartest kid in all of his classes, even the hardest classes at a school for gifted children. By the time he reached high school, he had only had kissed one girl, and decided that he wanted to attend a regular high school. He was sick of the overload of work, he wanted to be normal. He wanted to live a simple life. Against their better judgement, his parents agreed, they only wanted him to be happy, anyway.

Eddie was not expecting high school to be as easy as it was. He had never been good at small talk, therefore always had issues making friends, yet in high school the girls were intrigued by his mysterious attitude. They flocked to him like bees to honey. They swooned when he walked down the hall, they aww'ed when he blushed (which he did do a lot), they smiled when he ate because they loved his puffy cheeks. Most importantly, though...they sighed when he walked down the hall with his guitar case (his best friend)in hand. He didn't know what it was he did, but for some reason he always found it easier to talk to girls. Throughout the four years of high school girls were the only friends he made, they made him feel safe and not judged. They loved listening to him talk music but more importantly, they apparently loved hearing him talk about anything he wanted. He never understood the effect he had on them, but was thankful when that effect ended once high school was over.

Choosing a college was never a difficult task for Eddie. Ever since he was four years old his parents pushed the idea of Julliar. He loved music, he loved his guitar. However, he didn't play the kind of music teenagers would normally play, he didn't like the music normal people liked, and he didn't go to school just to further his talent on the guitar. He was a composer in his mind. He wrote his own music, but refused to ever write lyrics. He hated lyrics, he felt they were too personal. Some people could pull it off, but Eddie never could. He only listens to music done by people he knows, and will never listen to anything with lyrics. Sure, some people find it fun but he can't stand it. To him it is like nails on a blackboard. After completing his first year at Julliard, Eddie realized he did not fit in there anymore than he did in high school. Deciding that it was time to move back home, he decided to transfer to CSU and try his hardest to better himself and his life.

With his parents doing their very best to be the most supportive people that they could, it really threw everyone off when he decided against continuing to study music and instead turned his attention to graphic design. When he was not on his guitar, Eddie could be found with a pen either writing or drawing little sketches. He never expressed his love for drawing, for art, or design to anyone close to him because he really did assume that they would not understand it. It was very difficult to end his education of music and focus his attention elsewhere, but he felt that he knew all there was to know about music and not enough about design or graphic design to be exact. Following graduation from CSU he has gone on to work for a company that designs signs for busineses all across the state. Despite his career path at this time, he does still have his guitar and piano and he does still play but only to the audience of his wife, the only person who does not judge him for going a different direction than he started out.

● Anyone who knew Eddie as a child, would call him very serious, awkward and shy. Anyone who knows Eddie know, would call him very out going, awkward, and goofy, he is much happier with the person he has become.

● While he has never had any trouble making friends with women, he has had a lot of trouble dating any. After many months of debate, he did eventually sign up for match.com, within only a few weeks of being on the website he met Logan, the woman who would become his wife.

● Once someone who had to think about every single little thing for hours on end before actually doing anything, it only took three dates with Logan before the two ran off to Vegas to get married. Still the best decision of his life, he loves that they are still getting to know each other every day.

    STORYLINES Logan Rowley wife, best friend.
pb: ej king • est timezone • third person storybook • threads & customs friendly • CREDIT